Bordir Logo yang Menarik

Over the years, embroidery remains an art, it takes to make your logo shine and brings a depth & dimension to your logo that is unable to achieve in printing. Upon viewing your embroidered logo for the first time, you'll be amazed by the beauty and luster of the different color threads, and impressed with how the light reflects your logo details.

We are specialist manufacturer for embroidered patches with rich skill since 1976 combined with our rigorous quality control. You can get great logo embroidery patches, regardless of the size /color/style! Let’s help you create your own patch that will make you stand out in any type of crowd.

● Pilihan Jenis Benang: Benang rayon, benang poliester, benang bercahaya, benang UV, benang logam (emas/perak)
● Warna Benang: Menurut bagan warna benang atau nomor PMS dan dalam 9 warna tanpa perubahan tambahan.
● Pilihan Kain Latar Belakang: Twill, beludru, kain felt, kain reflektif atau kain khusus lainnya
● Warna Kain: Pilih dari bagan warna kepar poliester / beludru / kain flanel
● Area Bordir bisa 30%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
● Opsi Penyangga: Setrika, PVC keras, lapisan kertas, pita perekat, dukungan kait / loop, tidak ada dukungan
● Opsi Perbatasan: Merrow, potongan tangan, potong panas, potong laser.
● Opsi Desain Khusus: Desain 3D, dengan pencetakan, dengan loop tombol
● MOQ: 100 pcs per desain.
● Pengiriman: 3-7 hari untuk sampel, sekitar 14 hari untuk produksi